This report is late to say the least. I am just writing it, having just returned from OTFCC 2004.
      I was not overly pleased with OTFCC 2003. Nothing happened on time, everything was late. The convention opened with the Dinner. Unfortunately the exclusive, a cool looking set of War Within Plates has still not arrived. (Note, as I said above, I just returned from OTFCC 2004.) The exclusives were, in my opinion sub par. We gota two deluxe toys each in two different colors. One set being Sideswipe and Sunstreaker was kind of cool, and the otehrs being females with a newly sculpted head was nice, but for the price, I would have expected some larger toys.
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- Conventions:
- Botcon Europe 02 Shirt
- Botcon Europe 02 Rook
- Botcon Europe 02 Program
- Botcon Europe 02 Print
- Botcon Europe 02 Badge
- OTFCC 2004 Dinner Super 7 Magazine
- OTFCC 2004 T-Shirt
- OFTCC 2004 Name Badges x4
- OTFCC Sunstorm PVC
- Botcon Japan 2000 Lava Galvatron
- OTFCC Sidewipe
- OTFCC Sunstreaker
- OTFCC Roulette/Shadowstriker
- OTFCC Program
- OTFCC Dinner Print
- Transforce Prints
- Transforce Hardcover Comic
- G1:
- UK Sticker Set & Box
- 3 Custom PVCs
- Japanese Mini Comic x3
- Decepticon Pinlights x2
- Pointblank Tech Spec
- Grotesque Instruction Book
- Misfire Model
- Statue Ad
- Custom Megatron Decoy
- Optimus Prime Notebook
- Jazz Notebook
- Japanese TF Shoes
- 4 Japanese Headmaster Heads (Three Humans & Lion)
- TF Survival Gear
- Brainstorm Model
- Skids Blue Model
- Starsaber Puzzel
- Walkie Talkie Box
- Party Center Sign
- Beast Wars:
- BW Scorponok Bee & Missiles
- 2 Polarclaw Variants
- Transmetal Rattrap (No Tab)
- Japanese BW Candy Toys Clear
- Japanese BW Metals Membership Book
- Japanese Wind Up BW Metals Set
- Japanese BW Coin
- Japanese BW II Watch
- Japanese TF Card Pack
- Armada:
- UK Comics
- Japanese Die Cast Car Set
- Cartoon Puzzles x4
- Korean:
- Korean Sideswipe Model
- Korean Starscream Model
- Knock Offs:
- Knock Off Watch Jet
- Knock Off 2 Pack
- Knock Off Bumblebee
- Knock Off Ambulance
- Sound Convoy Robot
- Red Sky Garry
- RID Items:
- Card Book
- Kubricks Set
- Tiny Tins set of 8
- Misc Items:
- Cybercon Ad
- Battle Protocol CD
- Optimus Prime Print