What can I say about OTFCC 04? While the "Who Shot Optimus Prime" Dinner was a complete bust, the exclusive was great, a set of prints signed by Peter Cullen and Frank Welker. The Mega Zarak is cool. Sentinel Maximus looks cool, but since it's not in yet, I can't say for sure. Disorganization was the word for the weekend. The venue was pretty bad. The dealer room looked like a warehouse. No skirting on the tables and no carpeting. Of course, nothing happened on time all weekend. The Universe comics look cool, of course, since I'm still waiting for my subscriptions to come in, I really can't say for sure.

      Something else I feel I have to say. At the organizers panel, Glen Hallit talked about people who have called him and his family names, and said awful things. These people obviously have a problem. None of that is called for. However, he made it sound like everyone who doesn't like what he has done with the show fits into this group. That's not true at all. I know many people who are not fans of Glen, yet would never stoop to personal attacks. Those who feel that 3H is doing a great job should read the facts before making that judgement, and not let the slanted propaganda that has come from Glen over the last two years cloud the facts.