Book I "Dawn of A New Age" Chapter I "Fall of Evil.....Rise of Chaos" "I am Uatu, Most humans call me The Watcher. For countless ages I have lived on Earth's moon. And I have watched over your planet Earth. I have looked in on other realities on occasion. For their are an infinite number of possible outcome's to everything. All are explored. Today, I will look upon a reality in which Earth's mighty heroes do not exist. No Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men or Spiderman, just to name a few. Thankfully their greatest enemies, Dr. Doom, Magneto, The Mandarin, and Galactus, just to name a few, also do not exist here. In this reality, just over four million years ago, a space ship from the planet Cybertron crashed into Mount Saint Hillary's in Oregon, and know the story. At least you know the story of this reality to a point. For, in this reality, an important event never happened. In this reality, we will learn what will happen if Hot Rod had not gotten in the way, and of course, no one can see or hear me except for you." "I've got to help Prime", said Hot Rod. "Stay away Lad. That's Prime's fight", responded Kup. Hot Rod stops and turns toward Kup. "But he needs help." "Maybe. Maybe not. Either way it's not our fight. Come on. We've got some Decepticons to smash", said Kup, raising his gun and turning toward the battle. Hot Rod followed Kup into the battle. "Now, events unfold differently, as we look in on Optimus Prime's fight with Megatron", said Uatu. Optimus Prime walked slowly toward Megatron. "Grant me mercy, I beg of you", said Megatron. "You, who are without mercy, now plead for it? I thought you were made of sterner stuff", responded Optimus Prime. He could not believe that Megatron would beg. He knew that he had something planned. Megatron grabbed the gun in front of him, but before he could aim it, Prime shot his laser rifle, blowing a hole through Megatron's chest, and sending him flying over the ledge. He landed on the ground, dead. Starscream and Soundwave gather around him. "Now, Optimus Prime has defeated Megatron, and future events will be changed from those we know", said Uatu. "Well. So ends the reign of Megatron", said Starscream, as he kicked Megatron's lifeless body. "Astrotrain, transform and get us out of here." "Look out below!" "Huh?", said Starscream as he looked up, in time to see Optimus Prime jumping toward him from the ledge above. Optimus Prime landed right in front of him, and blasted him point blank in the chest. He fell back on the ground in agony. Soundwave fired at Prime, but Optimus was too quick, and he dodged the shot. Prime lunged at Soundwave landing a punch to his face. Soundwave fired his weapon at Prime as he fell, hitting him in the arm, and throwing him off balance. As Prime fell, he fired at Soundwave, tearing open his shoulder. Prime began to get up. Starscream was crawling towards Astrotrain. Soundwave grabbed him, and helped him into the shuttle. "Astrotrain, take off", said Soundwave. Soundwave collapsed against the wall within Astrotrain. His wound was more serious than he had first realized. He lost consciousness. Astrotrain took off into space. Optimus Prime lay on the examination table, as Percepter repaired him. "With Megatron dead, we can finally take back Cybertron", said Hot Rod. "I hope so", said Ultra Magnus. "Prime, you were magnificent", said Kup. "Thanks", said Prime grimly. He did not feel very magnificent. "Prime, what's wrong", said Arcee. "You've won a tremendous victory for us. We would have been lost if you had not shown up." "It's just....I don't know. It's nothing", said Prime. He knew it was something, but he tried to ignore it for now. "Ultra Magnus, see that the city is repaired." "I'll see to it. Springer is assessing the damage as we speak." "Optimus, I hate to ask this, but I will need you to remove the Matrix so I can finish these repairs", said Percepter. "Of course", said Prime. He opened his chest compartment, and removed the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. The others all stood back, as Prime held the matrix in one hand. It's blue glow filled the room. "It's beautiful", said Arcee. "Prime, what's the Matrix for", asked Daniel. "It is said, that one day an Autobot will rise from our ranks, and use the power of the Matrix to light our darkest hour", said Prime. When would that day come he wondered. Who would it be. It was just ambiguous enough that he did not have a clue. "Will it be you", asked Daniel? "I do not know. It may, or it may be another. Only the Matrix knows for sure", said Prime. "Kup, do you have...the list." "Yes. Here it is", said Kup, as he handed Optimus a data pad. Prime read the names on the list. Prowl, Ratchet, Ironhide, Brawn, Windcharger, Wheeljack. There were more, but he couldn't read any more. Prime handed the pad back to Kup. "I'll finish reading it later." "Now, if you would all leave, I could finish repairing Optimus", said Percepter. Ultra Magnus, Kup, Blurr, Arcee, Hot Rod, and Daniel left the room. Astrotrain flew unsteadily through space. "Jettison some weight, or I'll never make it back to Cybertron." "Fellow Decepticons. Astrotrain has requested that we lighten the load", said Blitzwing. "In that case I say it is survival of the fittest", said Hook. "Do I hear a second", said Blitzwing. "Aye!" "And against?" "Nay." "The aye's have it", said Blitzwing. The unconscious forms of Starscream, Dirge, Thrust, Skywarp, and Thundercracker were rolled out of the shuttle door. Blitzwing went to push Soundwave out. "No", said Rumble and Frenzy. "Soundwave stays." Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ravage, and Ratbat were all there as well. Blitzwing pointed his gun at Rumble's head. "If you wish, you can join him." "Umm, that's okay", said Rumble. Rumble and Frenzy pushed Soundwave out, and closed the door. "Now, to business", began Blitzwing, "I am now leader of the Decepticons." "Fat chance", said Scrapper. "We Constructicons form Devestator. Leadership is ours!" A brawl broke out among the Decepticons. "As I am sure you have noticed", began Uatu, "The Insecticons were not among those tossed out of the shuttle, and that Thrust and Dirge were, as well as Soundwave and Starscream. One change to history as you know it, and many many things change." Starscream and the other discarded Decepticons floated through the cold of space, until they come upon a huge form, as Starscream regained consciousness. "Greetings Starscream", said the huge sphere. "Who are you", demanded Starscream. "I am Unicron", he replied. "Where are you?" "I have summoned you here for a purpose." "I am Starscream. No one summons me." "Then it pleases me to be the first." "What is it you want with me." "The Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Destroy it for me. It is the one thing, the only thing, that stands in my way." "What's in it for me." "Your bargaining posture is highly dubious, but very well. I will provide you with a new body, and new troops to command", offered Unicron. Starscream thought a moment. "Agreed, on one condition." "And that is", asked Unicron. "I will provide you with the designs for my body, and those of my troops", said Starscream. "Agreed." Starscream removed a small computer chip from his storage compartment, and held it up to Unicron. It always paid to be prepared for everything, and these designs he had created would do nicely. Unicron projected a beam out to the chip, and then Starscream found himself engulfed in a brilliant light. His body was repaired and altered. "Behold, Skyquake. And these shall be your minions, the Predators." Thundercracker was engulfed by the light. "Talon", and then came Skywarp, "Sky Dive". Then it was Thrust, "Snare", and then Dirge, "Falcon". Soundwave was engulfed last. "Stalker the warrior." And this shall be your ship. Unicron opened a hatch, and launched a space cruiser. "Now go." "I will destroy Optimus Prime and the Matrix", said Skyquake. "To Cybertron." Optimus Prime and Percepter walked into the dimly lit room. "Lights", said Prime. The lights came on, and the morgue was now clearly visible. Along the far wall was a cabinet of large draws. Many of them had names on them. Ironhide, Ratchet, Brawn, Prowl, and more. Prime could not look at them. There was only one that interested him at that moment. The name on that cabinet read 'MEGATRON'. "Open it, Percepter", said Prime. "Optimus, I already examined him. He is dead", said Percepter. "Humor me", replied Prime. "As you wish." Percepter pulled open the draw revealing a figure covered by a sheet. Percepter transformed into a microscope, and began to examine Megatron. "Power reading is zero. Laser core extinguished. Massive internal damage to all systems. No brain functions. Memory core erased. Fuel pump inactive. All readings indicate no function at all. Absolutely no sign of life. My original diagnosis stands. He's as the humans say dead as a door nail." Percepter transformed, and tapped Megatron's forehead with his knuckle. "See, no one's home." If Prime had a mouth, he would have smiled. "Thank you Percepter. You can go now", said Prime. Percepter began to close the draw. "No, leave it", said Prime. Percepter nodded, and left the room. Prime reached down, and pulled the sheet away from Megatron's face. He looked down at his old enemy. His eyes were dark. No sign of life. No movement. He remembered each and every battle they had ever fought. Each and every dirty trick Megatron had pulled, and each friend who had died at the hands of Megatron or his troops. Of course, Prime never would forget, that it was often his orders that put those friends in jeopardy. Prime knew those deaths were not his fault, and that they had died fighting for what they believed in. Optimus had done what he had to do. He knew it, but he had a hard time accepting it. "So this is how it ends Megatron. After nine million years, it comes to an end. And with your death, comes a new hope to our struggle to regain our home. It should be a time of celebration, even after the loss of so many friends on this day." Prime glanced towards the draw that read IRONHIDE. Then looked back at Megatron. "They would not feel that their sacrifice was in vain. Now, perhaps peace may come." Prime paused. "And yet even in death, you worry me Megatron. You have survived too many times that you should have died. It does not seem over between us. I know you too well Megatron. After nine million years, I know you all too well", said Prime. Just a hint of anger was in his voice. "Something is not right. I wish I knew what it was. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I hope that is all it is. I hope....I pray I'm wrong. I have a feeling you're no more dead than I." Prime covered Megatron's face, closed the draw, and left the room. In the hall, Prime touched a communicator panel on the wall. "Optimus Prime to Blaster." "Blaster here." "Blaster, I want guards posted around the morgue 24 hours a day." "Why Prime", asked Blaster? "Just do it", said Prime. Back on Cybertron, Blitzwing was being crowned the new leader of the Decepticons. The Constructicons sounded the horns. Then they blew the horns again. "Knock it off!", ordered Blitzwing. Astrotrain crowned Blitzwing. "My fellow Decepticons, as your new leader I..." At that moment, a thunderous sound could be heard, as a huge jet followed by four smaller jets landed in the middle of the hall. The large jet's cockpit opened and a robot jumped out, then all of the jets transformed. "Who disrupts this ceremony", demanded Blitzwing. "Surely you can't believe that you are the new leader of the Decepticons", said Skyquake. "I know that voice", said Blitzwing. "Starscream." "Why Blitzwing, you're smarter than I thought", said Skyquake. He raised his weapon, and fired a missile at Blitzwing. It exploded on impact, spreading small bits of Blitzwing all over the room. Well, would anyone else like to lead the Decepticons? I didn't think so. All hail me, Skyquake!"