Book V "Dark Times, Part II" Chapter XXII "Ambush" "Are you mad?", bellowed Brawl. "He's insane", said Rumble. "He's just kidding", said Swindle. "You are just kidding, aren't you Skyquake." "No, I'm quite serious. The only way to defeat Megatron is to get him off this planet. As long as he controls the resources of this world, we can never defeat him. We don't have the means to defeat him alone." "But what you suggest is crazy", said Hook. "Perhaps, but I think it will work", responded Skyquake. "I agree with Skyquake", said Blitzwing. It is a good plan, although I do see why you are so opposed. But Skyquake is right, it is the best course of action." The rest of them mumbled their agreement. Optimus Prime rolled into Autobot City. Megatron's adherence to their agreement had gone on longer than Optimus had thought it would. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Optimus was pleased to find that everyone was staying, except for Ultra Magnus and Omega Supreme. All the Autobots were gathered to see Ultra Magnus and Omega Supreme depart. "Ultra Magnus, take care of Rodimus, he's going to need a lot of help", said Optimus. "Of course, Optimus", responded Ultra Magnus. Before Ultra Magnus could say anything else, he was hit in the shoulder by a laser blast. Optimus turned around, and saw the same five Decepticons who had done so much damage to the base hovering in the air. "Surrender now", said the female, "or the Xformers, will destroy you." "Megatron and I had a deal", said Optimus. "Consider it broken", said the one next to her. He had long razor like talons coming out of his hands. "Attack." "Autobots, scatter", commanded Optimus Prime. The battle was ferocious. Whoever these five were, they possessed an awful lot of power. "Draw their fire away from Omega. Ultra Magnus, get out of here", said Optimus. "Understood", said Ultra Magnus, as he made a dash for Omega. He just made it in the door. "Omega blast off." Omega Supreme's engines engaged, and he began to rise slowly. "Don't let them get away Thing", commanded Cyclops. Thing ran toward Omega Supreme, and jumped after him, but Omega was out of his reach. "Forget them", said Spider. "Let's take care of these chumps." The battle continued. Laser fire was exchanged, and the one called Storm conjured up a thunderstorm to worsen the situation. The Autobots had scattered among the courtyard. They all knew from seeing their previous attacks that they were deadly at hand to hand combat, and the Autobots tried to keep them at bay with laser fire. The one called Thing went after Bluestreak, and grabbed him from behind. He put his hands around Bluestreak's neck, and began to squeeze. "Help", murmured Bluestreak, just before his neck snapped, and Thing held only his head in his hand. "Bluestreak", yelled Optimus, but he was too late. Bluestreak was dead. "Autobots, retreat", said Optimus. "Skyfire, transform." "Understood", called Skyfire from across the courtyard. "Give me some cover." The Autobots gave Skyfire as much cover as they could, and he transformed, and they got aboard. Optimus was the last, and when he reached the door to Skyfire's cargo bay, he closed it from outside. "Get them out of here, I'll cover you", said Optimus. "Optimus, we won't leave you", said Skyfire. "Take off, that's an order." Skyfire engaged his engines, and they took off. "Storm, go after them", said Cyclops. "You're the fastest in the sky. We'll finish off Optimus Prime." Storm transformed into jet mode, and headed off after Skyfire. "Megatron will be pleased when we scrap you Optimus Prime", said Spider. Optimus was pinned down behind what was left of the guard tower at the end of the courtyard. They all kept firing in his direction, and he could only get off a couple of shots before he had to duck back under cover. He decided to make a run for it. Optimus opened a compartment in his leg, and took out a solar grenade. He tossed it out in front of his four attackers. It exploded in a blast of light more powerful than the sun. "My eyes", screamed Spider, falling to his knees and clutching his face. Wolverine and Thing were on the ground also. Cyclops's eye was protected by a filtering device, and he was unaffected. Optimus jumped out from where he was, and Cyclops hit him in the right shoulder with a blast. Optimus transformed, and sped away from the ruins of Autobot City. "Damn", said Cyclops, "he got away." "Why don't you go after him?", said Thing. "I'm not fast enough, I'll never catch him." "Megatron will not be happy about this", said Spider. Meanwhile, Storm was in pursuit of Skyfire. She fired a missile at Skyfire, which just missed when he rolled left. "Could you cut the acrobatics", said Bumblebee as he tried to keep from falling on his head. "We're flying all over the place in here." "Sorry, but if I don't keep flying, we're going to get toasted", said Skyfire. "I have an idea", said Hound. "Skyfire, slow down, and let her get right on your tail." "Brilliant plan Hound, but once I do you'll have no more than thirty seconds before she locks on and blows us to bits, or should I say blows me to bits." "Don't worry, I've got a plan", said Hound. Outside, Storm saw her enemy slowing. He must be low on fuel she thought. She locked on her missiles, but just before she was going to fire, she saw that they were heading towards a bunker, and the door was closing. Skyfire went through the door, but she knew she wouldn't make it and pulled up hard. She circled around to attack the bunker, but it was gone. "Damn. Fooled by a hologram, how degrading", she said to herself. She searched the area, but they were gone. Megatron was not going to be happy.