Book VI "Dark Times, Part III" Chapter XXX "The First Circle, Part III" "Damn it", said Blitzwing. "This is pointless", said Onslaught. "I hate to admit it Optimus, but I've got to agree with them on this", said Springer. "We simply don't have enough information to plan an attack. Let's face it, we needed that information from the Decepticon's computer. Without it, we don't know what we're getting into. We won't even know what we're up against. It will be suicide." Optimus hated to admit it, but he was right. Bumblebee and Ravage were to gather the most important information, and without it, they were no better off than when they started. "Their is no point in dwelling on it further tonight", said Optimus. "Why don't you three go recharge." Springer and Onslaught left the room, but Blitzwing remained. "Something I can do for you Blitzwing", asked Optimus. "No, not really." He turned to leave, but stopped. "Optimus, their is something that you need to know." "Yes", said Optimus. "What I am about to tell you is going to be difficult to accept", said Blitzwing. "What is it", asked Optimus. Optimus was more than a little curious. "Before today, had you ever heard of the First Circle", asked Blitzwing. Beyond the cryptic reference in the intelligence that the tapes had gathered, Optimus had heard of the First Circle, but not for millions of years. Not since before he was Optimus Prime. The First Circle was, a legend known to Orion Pax. "If memory serves, the First Circle was a myth. I have not heard it mentioned since before Alpha Trion remade me to Optimus Prime, from Orion Pax." "That does not surprise me. What do you know of the First Circle", asked Blitzwing. "Well, as legend had it back then, the First Circle was a group of Decepticons who believed in honor and glory through peace, not war. I never have seen any evidence that they were more than a myth." "They were more than a myth Optimus", said Blitzwing. "The First Circle was against the war. Their hope was to build a new leader for the Decepticons, one who would end the war. They had the Constructicons build the body for their leader, and his personality was carefully programmed." "What happened", asked Optimus. "The result of the First Circle's attempt was Megatron. The first thing Megatron did was quickly kill almost every member of the First Circle. Every member, but three." "You were one of the three, weren't you", asked Optimus. "Yes, I was", said Blitzwing. "I was the leader of the First Circle then, as I am to this day." "What went wrong", asked Optimus. "How could Megatron have turned out so opposite to what you had intended him to be." "Megatron was programmed by an outsider. Someone we knew we could trust. I know it wasn't anything he did. The other surviving members of the First Circle were responsible. You see, we had a personality program written. It was to be merged with a life force, and would then become our new leader. The First Circle carefully and quietly had Vector Sigma construct a life force that we could merge with the program to ensure a being who would hold true to our ideals. Somehow, the life force was corrupt." "And who was it that wrote the personality program", asked Optimus. "Alpha Trion", answered Blitzwing. "Alpha Trion", said Optimus. Optimus felt as if he had been hit by a meteor. He felt numb. "Megatron was programmed by Alpha Trion. That kind of makes you and Megatron brothers of a sort", said Blitzwing. As much as this news hit Optimus hard, at least one thing was now clear. He knew why he was going to spare Megatron's life that day in Autobot City. He knew why he wasn't going to kill him. It was subconscious, but that had to be why. Megatron, like himself was created by Alpha Trion. Alpha Trion was as much a father to Megatron as he was to him. "Blitzwing, why are you telling me this", said Optimus. "The First Circle still exists. Many Decepticons are members. We meet in secret, and are careful. There are only a handful of Decepticons who know I lead the First Circle. Most of the members don't even know I am a member. I think when the time comes, this could prove to be useful." "I agree", said Optimus. "Thank you Blitzwing. This explains a great many things." Blitzwing turned to leave, but Optimus stopped him. "Blitzwing, who were they, the ones who altered the life force", asked Optimus? "I know who one of them was. It was Soundwave. The identity of the other, I do not know. Many members of the First Circle kept knowledge of their membership to a minimum. Even as the leader of the First Circle, I am not aware of every member. I can't even say for sure if the other still exists, or even if Soundwave knows who he was." With that, Blitzwing left Optimus alone. He kept thinking about what Blitzwing had said. If Alpha Trion created Megatron, then why didn't he tell him? Why didn't he warn him? "Why didn't you tell me Alpha Trion?", said Optimus to himself. "Why didn't you tell me?" At that moment, Optimus felt strange. All of a sudden, as if he was being willed to by another mind, he opened his chest compartment. The Autobot Matrix of Leadership floated out of his chest, and hovered in front of him for a moment. Then Alpha Trion appeared before him. "Optimus, I am sorry I couldn't tell you the truth", said Alpha Trion. "You couldn't tell me, or you wouldn't tell me", asked Optimus. "For many years Optimus, I kept the Matrix safe, while I waited for the one who would lead the Autobots to claim it. I helped the First Circle build a personality program thinking that perhaps the one I was constructing for them would be that leader. Even though the First Circle were Decepticons, they held the Autobots beliefs of peace. You already know what happened." "You didn't answer my question", said Optimus. "After the Aerialbots brought Orion Pax to my lab, as I rebuilt you, I felt the Matrix call me. I knew then that you were the one who was to bare the Matrix", said Alpha Trion. "I knew then, that your and Megatron's futures would be invariably linked. I knew that one day it would come to pass that you would have to fight Megatron, and perhaps one day destroy him." "So you didn't tell to make it easier for me if I had to destroy him", said Optimus. "Yes. Somehow you knew subconsciously", said Alpha Trion. "Subconsciously you have known all along that there is a link between yourself and Megatron." Alpha Trion paused. "Now that you know part of the truth, you should know the rest of it." "What is it", asked Optimus? "What more could there be?" "Blitzwing said it well, you and Megatron are like brothers, but it goes beyond that. The program I wrote for the First Circle was merged with a corrupt life force, creating Megatron. You are a merging of that same programming, and the life force of Orion Pax. In effect, you and Megatron come from the same program. You might almost be called twins." This was almost more than Optimus could believe. Megatron was not only his brother, but almost a twin. Millennia of war with Megatron suddenly took on a whole new meaning. "Does Megatron know any of this", asked Optimus. "He knows that he was created by the First Circle, and that Soundwave and one other were responsible for the failure of their plan. He does not know that his programming was done by me", said Alpha Trion, "and he does not know that you were created with that same programming." "Perhaps I should enlighten him", said Optimus. "If you do, be cautious. Megatron will likely react badly", said Alpha Trion. "That is an understatement", said Optimus. With that, Alpha Trion disappeared, and the Matrix returned itself to Optimus's chest. "This is the command ship, we are ready to depart", said Kup. "Cleared for takeoff", came Spike's voice over the radio. "Good luck." Rodimus sat in the command chair. Ultra Magnus, Kup, Arcee, and Blurr were on the bridge. "Rodimus, what's with Daniel? As soon as he came aboard he said he was going to the ship's target range", said Ultra Magnus. "Ultra Magnus, there are a few things you should know about Daniel. Kup, Blurr, you should know too." Rodimus told them the whole story. "Poor kid", said Kup. "It must be tearing him up inside." "He's got a lot of anger, and he doesn't want to let any of it out", said Ultra Magnus. "I promised Spike he'd be alright." "Don't worry Rodimus", began Arcee, "he'll be alright." Rodimus hoped she was right. The alarms were sounding all over the base. Optimus and the others raced to the mouth of the cave. The proximity sensors had picked up something moving towards the base. "Something is approaching", said Hook. "Readings indicate a single life sign, definitely Decepticon, but very weak, and approaching slowly." The Autobots and Decepticons took up defensive positions. "No one fires until I say so", said Optimus. Optimus was trying to concentrate on what was happening, but his mind kept drifting back to his conversations with Blitzwing and Alpha Trion. Something emerged from the jungle. "Ravage", said Optimus. He ran from his position to where the Decepticon cat stood. Before he reached him, he slumped to the ground. The others gathered around them quickly. "Ravage", what happened", asked Blitzwing. "Where's Bumblebee", asked Optimus. Ravage weakly told them what had happened. "After the explosion, I ran for the end of the tunnel. I escaped just before the Decepticons found the tunnel entrance. I knew that Skyfire would never be able to pick me up with the area crawling with Decepticons, and I could not chance flying." "You walked to South America from Washington", said Optimus. "Yes. The data collector is on my back." Ravage released the force field, and Optimus took the unit. A moment later, Ravage lost consciousness. "Percepter, First Aid, get Ravage to the repair bay. He is almost completely drained of energeon. Springer, Blitzwing, Onslaught, and Skyquake, with me, we need to see what they got." "Wait", said Ravage, regaining consciousness, only for a moment. "Bumblebee asked me to give you a message Optimus. He said to tell you that he was wrong, and that he was sorry." With that, the other went inside. Optimus lingered outside for a moment. Bumblebee must have died. He could never have survived the explosion. Another name to add to the list of those whom he had sent to their death. Another friend gone. Bumblebee had probably taken some of them with them. The Xformer Storm was probably dead. That was of no comfort to Optimus. Optimus, Springer, Blitzwing, Onslaught, and Skyquake spent the next several hours going over the data. "We have a complete schematic for their defense satellite network, and the locations and strengths of all their ground based weapon systems", said Blitzwing. "We should be able to plan something now", said Springer. Meanwhile, in a dark corner of the cave, Swindle had made a decision. The data they now had made them a real danger to Megatron. Megatron would be even more grateful to know their location now. Swindle sent off a signal from his communicator. Rodimus walked down the hall of the command ship towards the target range. They were half way to Earth, and Daniel had been there the entire trip. Rodimus walked into the room, and saw Daniel shooting at some targets. One by one, he hit each target dead on. It hadn't taken him any time at all to master his blasters. "Daniel, maybe you ought to get some sleep", said Rodimus. "It's been a long day." "I'm not tired Rodimus." Rodimus didn't want to push him, and sound like a parent trying to get him to go to bed, so he dropped the issue. "So, how are the blasters working. "Great. I can get them to fire on command without concentrating so much like before. The anti gravs work good too." "I'm glad it's working well. Why don't you take a break." Rodimus sat down on the floor leaning against the wall. Daniel sat down next to him. "Daniel, you know, if you want to talk to me about anything, I'm here, and I'm ready to listen. Your dad said you haven't wanted to talk about the accident..." "It was no accident Rodimus. Megatron attacked the base. He is responsible for what happened. Rodimus, I want you to make me a promise", said Daniel. "What is it Daniel", said Rodimus. "Promise me I'll have a shot at Megatron", said Daniel. "Daniel, your blasters, and even your strength are no match for Megatron", said Rodimus. "Maybe not, but I still want a shot at him", said Daniel. "You know Daniel, revenge can be a very destructive thing. You know what it nearly did to Optimus", said Rodimus. "I don't care Rodimus. I'm going to get him for what he did to me." "Daniel, that's not a promise I can make to you, and you know it." "I know Rodimus." Daniel got up, and headed back to the range. Rodimus stayed for a minute, and then returned to the bridge. It didn't seem like there was anything else he could say to Daniel.